Save the date!
Our ProAir Partner for Donegal, Efficient Renewables Limited will celebrate 15 years in business and the official opening of their brand new showroom next month.
You are invited to visit the showroom for the grand opening on Thursday 26th September 2024 at Unit 2, Main Street , Newtown Cunningham, Donegal.
Enjoy live demos and informative talks on all EHP renewables products and a specialist from SEAI will be there to provide information on grants from 11am until 5pm.
Throughout the day there will be talks including one on ventilation from ProAir .
The EHP team will cover the benefits of renewable energy, advancements in technology, government grants and practical steps that individuals and businesses can take to adopt renewable energy solutions.
Don’t miss the ribbon cutting at 1.15pm and Highland Radio’s John Breslin Show will be broadcasting on location from 12 noon to 2.30pm.