ProAir Systems installed 37 units to service 20 classrooms in this primary school in Renmore, Co. Galway. As part of our ongoing Research & Development, ProAir is remotely monitoring the CO2, Temperature, Humidity & TVOC* values and uses these parameters to optimise the ventilation levels in each classroom.
Studies show a direct correlation between high concentrations of CO2, productivity and concentration levels. Reduced cognitive decision-making functions, higher levels of sickness and increased absenteeism have all been linked to high concentrations of CO2 in the classroom.
* The Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) level is a measurement of the sum of all of the volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) found in an air sample. VOCs are emitted as gasses from everyday products such as building materials, maintenance equipment, and cleaning products. The TVOC is an important indication of the overall air quality in a building. Individuals who are exposed to excessive amounts of TVOC may have detrimental effects on their health.